Pizza cats wearing pepperoni caps!
GIF: Pizza Cats
Lighthouse Buoy Ship Anchor
Telus Self-serve - Mobility Usage
Proud to show a sliver of what the Heist team has been working on for the past few months with our client Telus.
Last week, we released a BETA version of the redesigned Self Serve experience. Customers can happily view their mobility usage for data, minutes and text messaging.
Huge credit goes out to @[30539:David Stubbs], @[6465:Nathan Garvie] and @[6025:Zachary Kain]
Telus Self-serve - Mobility Usage
Proud to show a sliver of what the Heist team has been working on for the past few months with our client Telus.
Last week, we released a BETA version of the redesigned Self Serve experience. Customers can happily view their mobility usage for data, minutes and text messaging.
Huge credit goes out to David Stubbs, Nathan Garvie, Eric Puigmarti and Zachary Kain
App Ux
FTND video intro animation
Unicorn Walk Sketch
Distillery District Animated Logo
Booking App UX
Shapes Text Animation (GIF)
Work In Progress Animated
We are going to have a Work in Progress Show at uni soon and I have been working on a little identity for that event.
I've thought that 'progress' involves lots of going back and forth, and came up with this idea.
P.S. The shape of letter 'g' begs to be corrected, but first I want to test the idea. What do you think, guys?