This7 Cde Drbl3
Believe in you
Heey Dribbblers,
How are you doing?
This is something I am working on for myself. Clean and minimal store template with adaptive grid-based layout.
Thanks to Milos for helping me to make this animation.
P.S. Sorry for bad quality of gif. And one more question, what is the best way to export gif from AE file?
I forgot to mention, I borrowed pictures from my favorite store Need Supply Co, I hope that's okay. :)
It would be awesome to meet you on Twitter. :)
Party app
badass batter [gif]
Fold, Folder, Foldest
the spot
This is my first shot here on Dribbble.
It is part of a little Motion Graphic. If you want to, you can watch it here.
Thank´s to @[157609:Timo Lins] for the Invite.
Have a great day.
Brasil 14
Wavestar Teaser
Character Animations
A bunch of 2D character animations I created for a 3D explainer video we made at work recently for a local company called Engage Mutual. You can take a look at these characters in action in the full Cinema 4D animated piece here if you've got a couple of minutes to spare →
I even managed to get me (beard + spade), my wife and my daughters in there too. Shh, don't tell anyone.
EDIT: I've added some screen grabs from the final video too as attachments.